Monday, 26 May 2014

Do we all like Phil Collins nowadays, or is that a bit 5 years ago?

I can't remember where we all are with Phil Collins. We used to hate him (can't remember why, his popular music, I think, and that divorce by fax) but then we realised that African American people liked him, and African American people are the coolest of all people. That was confusing.

Then he popped up on This American Life being all vulnerable and wise, and we figured maybe we'd got him wrong.

But then everyone said that he was good, actually.

So presumably it's time to say he's shit again. I lose track.

Anyway, here he is (via Slate) singing in front of a band full of middle school kids at his sons'… something, probably a prom.  That's nice, right?


  1. Hmm I think once you've been non-ironically revived you can't go back to being thought of as shit again. You just end up in a sort of cultural House of Lords.

    1. Great observation. ABBA are leaders of the House.

    2. Haha excellent. But yes, if you were down the pub in 2014 and said that you were into Phil Collins that would be embarrassing for you, but not in a way that would reflect on Phil.

    3. Equally if you said you hated him. There's simply no currency to be had in any opinion about Phil Collins. The opinion lifecycle has been completed.
