Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Soured Beets

I was going to spend my lunch writing this thing about culture, and cultural imperialism, and how it's important to notice it's not just the things you don't like which are trampling over native cultures, but we had a load of beetroot in the fridge so I decided to make some sour beets instead.


  • Grate
  • Salt
  • Jar
  • Leave

We had a couple of turnips knocking around so I stuck those in too. Fight the power.


  1. I checked my sauerkraut this morning and it was tasting pretty good, on the right track. Do you normally drain it before you put it in the fridge? The brine is pretty salty.

  2. I don't normally end up with too much brine. If you do, here's a (semi)pro tip: drain it off and pour it into your next batch. The bacteria therein will make it all kick off quicker.

  3. Yeah I wanted to reuse it - I only have one jar, I was thinking of taking the existing kraut out (maybe after a few days), putting it in a sealed container in the fridge, then starting again right away.

    1. It's a good plan. Then, one day, you may buy a new jar and get some crossover going.

      Now, important question, have you considered making your own yoghurt?

    2. Well I don't like yoghurt, so no. Also did you see that Guardian life and style ran a piece on home fermenting a few days ago! I can't even admit to home fermenting publicly now.
